Papilla renal histologia pdf

Immunohistochemical panel for differentiating renal cell. Fauziah othman department of human anatomy faculty of medicine and health sciences universiti putra malaysia. Most of the new discoveries in the domain of renal structure have been obtained through the use of histochemical and cytochemical techniques or with the electron microscope. Pasemos, ahora, a las nefropatias del dominio quirurgico. Via the calix necks, several calices minores drain into two or three calices majores, which in turn drain into the renal pelvis fig. Immunohistochemical profile of renal cell carcinoma in patients younger than 45 years of age. About 7 out of 10 people with rcc have this kind of cancer.

Clear cell renal cell carcinoma this is the most common form of renal cell carcinoma. The 4 main neoplasms in the differential diagnosis are clear cell rcc, papillary rcc, clear cell papillary rcc, and xp11 translocation rcc. Nucleolar grade but not fuhrman grade is applicable to papillary renal. Analysis of 87 cases of different tumor subtypes background. Papillary renal cell carcinoma, which accounts for 15 to 20% of renal cell carcino mas, is a heterogeneous disease that consists of various types of renal cancer. A fingerlike projection into the renal pelvis through which the collecting tubules discharge explanation of papilla renalis. Paginas relevantes en nefropatologia, neoplasias renales, trasplante renal y mucho mas.

Morphologic typing of papillary renal cell carcinoma. The base of each pyramid originates at the corticomedullary border and the apex terminates in a papilla, which lies within a minor calyx, made of parallel bundles of urine collecting tubules. Cancer arising from the lining of proximal convoluted tubule. Hereditary and sporadic papillary renal cell carcinomas with cmet mutations share a distinct morphological phenotype. Each renal papilla drains its urine into a minor calyx, the minor calices unite to form a major calyx, and the urine then flows into the renal pelvis. It has been proposed that renal papillary adenomas are precursor lesions of papillary renal cell carcinoma. They account for up to 5% of all resected renal tumours and arise. O sangue e fornecido a cada rim atraves da arteria renal e drenado atraves da veia renal. It is estimated that approximately 46,000 new cases of rcc were diagnosed in 2008, 1. Pdf histologia renal carla ibarra castillo academia.

Pdf renal insufficiency is associated with an increased. Simple papilla and the bifid papilla are generally observed in kidneys hilus region. It appears that acute injury may have a similar effect, at least in the kidney. The broad base of each pyramid faces the renal cortex, and its apex, or papilla, points internally towards the pelvis. General anatomy and histology of the kidney sciencedirect. In humans, the renal medulla is made up of 10 to 18 of these conical subdivisions. Solid variant of papillary renal cell carcinoma with spindle cell and tubular components richard cantley, md. Renal anatomy of the pigmy hippopotamus choeropsis. Sikapaotonu d, bethwaite pb, mccredie mre, william jordan t, delahunt b. Nathanson, md department of medicine, division of translational medicine and human genetics, and cancer control program, abramson cancer center, perelman school of medicine at the university of.

The renal papilla is the location where the renal pyramids in the medulla empty urine into the minor calyx in the kidney. Analysis of iodine concentration using dect imaging could reliably distinguish papillary from clear cell subtypes of renal cell cancer rcc. Papillary renal cell carcinoma prcc is a type of cancer that occurs in the kidneys. R enal cell carcinoma s are a type of kidney cancer that develop in the lining of very small tubes tubules in the kidney. There have been significant advances in our knowledge of the. Papillary renal cell carcinoma prcc is the second most common type of renal cell carcinoma rcc. In comparison with clear cell rccs, papillary rccs in general have less aggressive features, including being both smaller in size and lower in stage at presentation 2, 3.

Immunohistochemical panel for differentiating renal cell carcinoma with clear and papillary features. Papillary renal cell carcinoma rcc is the second most common form of rcc, after clear cell rcc, accounting for 1015% of cases. Tissue injury and repair can contribute to subsequent development of cancer, especially in the setting of chronic damage and repeated cycles of tissue repair. It accounts for about 1015% of all renal cell carcinomas. Conventional renal cell carcinoma corresponded to 84. Solid variant of papillary renal cell carcinoma with. Papilla renalis article about papilla renalis by the free.

The functional significance of these two aspects of the renal pelvis have in recent years become the focus of attention by some renal physiologists. Renal papilla is very thin as compared to other components of the kidney. Papillary renal cell carcinoma genetic and rare diseases. A, renal cortex b, renal medulla c, renal papilla d, minor calyx.

It has a cshape, it is closely related to the head of the pancreas and consists of four sections. The duodenum is the first of the three parts of the small intestine that receives partially digested food from the stomach and begins with the absorption of nutrients. Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma clear cell papillary rcc is a renal epithelial neoplasm composed of lowgrade clear epithelial cells arranged in tubules and papillae with a predominantly linear nuclear alignment away from the basement membrane 20. In addition to the epidemiologic association with prcc see above, papillary adenomas and prcc show similar immunohistochemical expression of alphamethylacylcoenzyme a. Renal pyramids or malpighian pyramids or malpighis pyramids named after marcello malpighi, a seventeenthcentury anatomist are coneshaped tissues of the kidney. Renal cell carcinoma with clear cell and papillary. Renal cell carcinoma rcc is distinctly rare in children and young adults. Autosomal dominant, familial due to germline fumarate hydratase mutations. Immunohistochemical profile of renal cell carcinoma in.

A portion of the necrotic renal papilla is sloughed off into the renal pelvis. Comparison of growth kinetics and patient survival in 66 cases. Figure 2 kidney, papilla necrosis in a male f344n rat from a subchronic study. The diagnosis of primary renal cell carcinomas rccs with both papillary architecture and cells with clear cytoplasm can be diagnostically challenging for practicing pathologists. Renal cell carcinoma rcc represents 3% of adult cancers but it is the commonest lesion, accounting for approximately 90%, of all kidney malignancies. David cimbaluk, md n the solid variant of papillary renal cell carcinoma, when strictly defined as a tumor in which no true papillae can be identified, is extremely rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature. Moreover, renal papillae and the renal pelvis are separated by an epithelium lining. There are 2 morphologic types of papillary renal cell carcinoma and type 2 has the worse prognosis. When seen in the lab, the cells that make up clear cell rcc look very pale or clear. This classification, however, is unsatisfactory as many of papil. The 2016 who classification of tumours of the urinary.

It has a better prognosis than the more frequent clear cell carcinoma, although this does not hold true for advanced cases, because no specic treatment exists. Papilla is surrounded by funnel shaped minor calyx minor calyces join to form major calyx major calyces join to form renal pelvis 18. A thetip ofthcrenal pyramid apex of each pyramid extends downwards into renal pelvis and forms renal papilla 17. A macula densa encontrase indicada pela letra m proxima ao glomerulo da esquerda. Among renal carcinomas the main hystologic types are.

The urotheliumlined opening to the ureter may also be seen. Acute kidney injury promotes development of papillary. E a juncao da piramide medular e o seu tecido cortical associado. Novel mutations of the met protooncogene in papillary renal carcinomas.

Nonclear cell renal cell carcinomas papillary renal cell carcinoma. It is directly attached to the pylorus of the stomach. The papilla and surrounding renal pelvis with the adjacent renal hilar area containing the large renal artery and vein. Gross or microscopic developmental anomalies of the rodent kidney are uncommon, with hydronephrosis being one of the main. Figure 3 kidney, papilla necrosis in a female b6c3f1 mouse from a chronic study.

Fundamentos da histologia marck, david h manual da histologia alvaro glerean. Renal cell carcinoma rcc is the seventh most common histological type of cancer in the western world and has shown a sustaine d. Papillary renal cell carcinoma prcc is the second most common type of renal carcinoma following clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Schmidt l, junker k, nakaigawa n, kinjerski t, weirich g, miller m, et al. Renal cell carcinoma rcc accounts for nearly 3% of all solid tumors. Sistema renal y actividad fisica conocimiento corporal iv. Papillary renal cell carcinoma is usually divided histologically into 2 types namely, type 1 and type 2. The term papillary describes the fingerlike projections that can be found in most of the tumors.

Because of the rarity of the tumor in this age group, the immunohistochemical profile has not been fully described. Anatomical relationship between renal pelvic urinary space and the renal medulla at this point clarification concerning terminology is necessary. Contents kidney parts of nephron and structures juxtaglomerular apparatus functional aspects blood circulation ureter and urinary bladder general features urinary epithelium urethra structure of male and female urethra. Welcome to the magic world of nephropathology, glomeruli, podocites, interstituim and so on in kidney pathology. Differentiation of papillary renal cell carcinoma subtypes. Comprehensive molecular characterization of papillary. The objective of our study was to determine the frequency of atypical papillary renal cell carcinomas rccs and identify imaging differences between type 1 and type 2 papillary rccs once atypical papillary rcc tumors have been excluded. There is a large area of papillary necrosis with a.

Kidney, papilla necrosis national toxicology program. Also known as renal adenocarcinoma or grawitzs tumor. This chapter discusses the general anatomy and histology of the kidney. Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer hlrcc is an autosomal cancer susceptibility syndrome characterized by the development of cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas and renal cancer. Its greatest incidence is between the third and eighth decades of life and there is a 2 to 1 predominance in males. Papillary renal cell carcinoma is the second most frequent type of kidney cancer, representing to 15% of lesions. Histology of urinary system free download as powerpoint presentation. Urine drains from the collecting tubule through the papilla into a minor calix calices minores. Delahunt and eble divided papillary rccs into two groups. Due to activating mutation of met oncogene at chromosome 7q31 autosomal dominant, late onset bilateral papillary renal tumors papillary type, renal cell carcinoma hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma. Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis with. The renal papillae are located on the edges minor calyces, between the intersection of the medulla and the calyces.

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